How and how to increase potency in men at home?


Potency disorders occur in one in three men after 40 years. How to increase potency at home quickly and effectively - that will be the topic of this article.


To increase the erection of men, you can take medication. But you should first consult your doctor, because any drug has contraindications.

The main effect of the pills is to restore blood circulation and blood flow to the penis. But even if a man does not have allergic manifestations, it is not recommended to take medication on his own. Duration of admission and dosage is determined only by a doctor.

What alternative medicine offers

How to increase potency at home using folk recipes? There are many herbal remedies that are able to quickly increase erection in men. But they should also be used to restore dysfunction after consulting a specialist. Herbs can be purchased at a drugstore or ordered online.

To increase and increase the potency, you need to drink the following decoctions:

  • 100 g of lemongrass pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, drink 3 times a day for 2 weeks, an increase in erection occurs after 5 days;
  • Pour 150 g of hawthorn with 1. 5 liters of water, boil in a steam bath for 10 minutes, drink 5 times a day, increase erection after 2 days;
  • 100 g of catuaba herb (a real aphrodisiac plant) pour 300 ml of water, leave for 5 hours, take 40 minutes before intercourse;
  • 100 g of yohimbe (the plant is called vegetable Viagra among healers), pour 150 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes, an increase in erection will occur 30 minutes after ingestion;
  • 200 g of dried Dubrovnik are poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for 1. 5-2 hours, taken 3-4 times a day;
  • 100 g of dried coriander, parsley, pour boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, take 100 ml per day;
  • 150 g of chopped ginger root pour 300 ml of boiling water, drink instead of tea 5-6 times a day, the composition increases potency in a day;
  • 100 g of aloe juice, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. parsley seeds, a mixture is taken every day for 50-70 g, increases an erection for 2 days.

Diet is important

The increase in potency directly depends on the quality of a man's diet. It is often a poor diet that leads to dysfunction.

To improve and increase potency, a man should eat the following foods:

  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • Seafood;
  • fish fat;
  • nuts;
  • chicken;
  • veal;
  • Liver of beef;
  • eggs;
  • figs;
  • bananas;
  • khaki;
  • Papaya;
  • citrus.

Young people should not eat legumes, foods containing soy, because they are saturated with phytoestrogens (female hormones) which suppress the activity of testosterone. It is this male hormone that is responsible for erection and potency in men. Minimize the consumption of alcoholic drinks, energy drinks. You should quit smoking completely.

Do not think that in order to increase potency you need to follow the strictest diet. Not! You can eat anything, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of fried and salty foods, but this does not mean that you have to give up on them forever.

Seafood very well restores the potency of a man. These include crabs, oily fish, lobster, shrimp, mackerel. All the products listed contain omega acids necessary for male potency. Their lack is often the cause of dysfunctions in humans. You have to eat them every day. But here you have to be very careful, because some people may be allergic to seafood. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before developing a diet.

Physical exercises

The elevation of the male ego is done through physical exercise. A common cause of decreased potency is blood stasis in the prostate. This mainly occurs in men leading sedentary lifestyles. In such cases, it is especially important to do gymnastics at least 3 times a day. Simple exercises will help to quickly restore the male ego.

If the work does not allow you to do the exercises, it is enough to walk around the office several times during the working day. It is advisable with such a lifestyle, in addition to physical exercises to increase power, to take drugs that improve blood circulation. Thus, it will be possible to exclude the possibility of blood stagnation, as a result - men's health will be normal.

Exercises to help prolong and increase a man's potency:

  1. Steps in place. While exercising, understand the raised knees as much as possible. Perform 10-15 minutes.
  2. The starting position is seated. Squeeze your buttocks as if a man is trying to hold an object between them. Voltage should be present for at least 5 seconds.
  3. When lying down, the knees are bent, the feet on the ground. Raise and lower the pelvis. Perform 5-7 minutes. Exercise helps improve blood circulation, prevents stagnation of blood in the prostate.
  4. Lie on your back, knees bent, legs apart. Tighten the muscles between the anus and the scrotum. A very effective exercise to increase power.
  5. To perform the next exercise, you need to undress, squat, try to pull the scrotum as much as possible. Perform 5-7 minutes. Exercise helps improve microcirculation, blood flow to the penis.
  6. The famous "bike" command. Perform within 2-3 minutes.

As you can see, to prolong male potency, you need to adhere to simple rules and proper nutrition. But, independent strengthening of men's health may not always work. Therefore, experts do not recommend self-medication.

It is best to go to the hospital and have a full examination. Symptoms such as a decrease in erection and potency can be a sign of a fairly serious disease, including prostate adenoma.